Map of United States, United States Map, major cities, states and capitals Map of the 50 states of the US Map of all of the State Capitals of the United States Map of the Major Cities of the US Map of the Major Rivers of the US
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The United States

Sweeping all the way across the continent of North America, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, the United States is the third largest country in the world, including the non-contiguous states of Alaska and Hawaii. The United States borders Mexico on the south and Canada to the north, and the states on the south-east coast touch the Gulf of Mexico. The United States map shows the US bordering the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans, as well as the Gulf of Mexico. The United States map shows the major rivers and lakes of the US, including the Great Lakes that it shares with Canada.
Use this United States map to see, learn, and explore the US. The map of the US shows states, capitals, major cities, rivers, lakes and oceans.  By pressing the buttons at the top of the USA map you can show capitals or cities or rivers. Learning the geography of the United States helps in understanding the history and present-day events of the US.

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We have maps, map puzzles and US geography quizzes for learning geography, and activities for teaching early reading.