nowing what shield to look for,
you are able to find the shield of Sir Ainsley, and walk
casually up to him. He is standing by himself, waiting
for his squire to bring him some of his equipment. You
bow and introduce yourself quickly and hand him the note.
As a lord, he is educated and reads the note quickly. He
asks you a few personal questions about your father to be
sure of who you are. Handing you the note back he says,
"Bear this note to the Earl, with all haste. I last
saw him yonder, on the other side of the field talking to
our host." As you leave him his squire returns and
you see him pull the squire close to talk without others
hearing. Ignoring the knights on the field rushing toward
each other, lances out, you head for the other side of
the field, trying to find the Earl of Landenshire. You
have to be careful, though, because you cannot become
conspicuous in the crowd by not watching the tourney. You
also have to be cautious not to bump into someone
important - they will crack your head if they dont
recognize you, and maybe throw you in the dungeon if by
chance they do.
You see these shields in the area near the Earl
of Timmors, the host. Only the most important knights are
apt to be there. Is one of them the Earl of Landenshire?

The Earl's
blazon is:
a lion rampant or, in chief azure three stars or
Read Roger the Herald's Notes on
Blazonry for Beginners