is Sir Rodkins, a friend and ally of your fathers,
and known to be a loyal subject of the king. A groom has
a horse saddled and you go out to meet him while he is
still in the woodland around the castle, while your
father given a warning whisper by a very young
page-- insists on showing Sir Sidbury some
recently-acquired stained glass windows for the
chapel--at great and pious length. The glass windows face
the opposite direction from the entrance to the castle.
You intercept Sir Rodkins and he delays in the wood until
Sir Sidbury has left the castle and is safely out of
Sir Rodkins has an important message for your
father. There is indeed a serious plot against the King.
Their plan is for the King to have an
"accident" crossing a small river to the south,
on land belonging to the Earl of Egerton, at a place
where the King had been told it is safe to ford the
river. Once the King is dead, his son, just a young boy,
will be crowned in his place, with the plotters left as
regents and the real powers in the kingdom. This will
give them authority over the other nobles in the kingdom.
The message has to be delivered to several
others who will be loyal to the King. The plotters,
however, are more advanced in their plans than you knew,
and it is not safe for anyone known to be against them to
be on the roads. Your father would be dishonored to
travel in disguise; however you, since you are not yet a
knight and therefore have no coat of arms of your own,
can travel in simple clothes like any well-off
tradesmans son. (A peasant would no reason to
travel out of the village, and would not have a riding
horse anyway. But the son of a craftsman or tradesman
might well have business going from one place to
Unknowing of the plot that is brewing, Sir
Timmors has planned a tourney to celebrate his
daughters betrothal to the son of a very important
knight. The men to whom you have to give the message will
be at the tourney, but you must make sure the message
doesnt fall into the wrong hands.
On the road--in some places it is little more
than a muddy path--you hit bad weather--there is thunder
and lightening in addition to the driving rain. Your
health may not matter, but you cannot afford for your
horse (who is more valuable than he looks) to stay wet
and possibly get sick. Up ahead you can see the lights of
an inn--food, a fire and a warm stable for your steed.
You try not to think too much about the bedbugs;
actually, youd rather sleep in the stable with your
horse, but this would attract comment.
You enter the Pig and Whistle Inn cautiously
without attracting attention, especially after you notice
that there are some fine horses in the stable, too good
for any but the richest tradesmen. Sure enough, there are
two knights in the inn. They are not together, but sit at
opposite ends of the room, as though they are less than
close allies. Although they have their helmets off, you
cant recognize their faces, for youve never
seen them before. You cant ask them who they are,
as that would be highly impertinent from the
tradesmans son you are pretending to be. But the
knight nearest the fire has his shield by his side. Who
is the knight nearest the fire?

Is it:
Sir Rouenne, whose blazon is Or, on a pale vert, three crowns
Sir Malicham, Or,
on a chevron vert, three crowns or
Sir Lensberry, Vert, on a chevron azure, three
crowns or,
Sir Carsberry, Azure, on a pale or, three crowns
Click on the knight
whose blazon matches the shield.
Read Roger the Herald's Notes on
Blazonry for Beginners