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Examples of divisions and shapes on shields.


       Shields were often divided into parts, called divisions, or had basic shapes on them, called ordinaries. The most common shapes are shown below. Divisions do not have to follow the metal/color rule, as they are considered to lie next to each other, not one on top of another. Ordinaries do follow the rule.
     Note that the same term is used to mean the name of a shape on the shield (such as a fess), how a shield is divided (per fess), or how smaller designs are arranged on a shield (fess wise).

Medieval shield, showing chief pattern

Learn the rules of heraldry by making a medieval shield in the cross pattern

Authentic designs for medieval shields in saltire pattern

Make a medieval shield¬ - tierce pattern









Build a Medieval shield in a chevron pattern to learn heraldry


Learn how blazonry works, by making your own medieval shield¬
Chevron inverted pattern—heraldry


Medieval shield, showing per chevron pattern


Build a Medieval shield in a per chevron inverted pattern to learn heraldry




Chevron Inverted


Per Chevron


Per Chevron Inverted


Make a medieval shield - ¬pile pattern


Authentic designs for medieval shields in pile inverted pattern




Pile Inverted


Learn the rules of heraldry by making a medieval shield in the bend pattern


Build a Medieval shied in a per bend pattern to learn heraldry


Medieval shield, showing in bend wise pattern




Per Bend


Bend wise


Build a Medieval shield in a fess pattern to learn heraldry

Medieval shield, showing in per fess pattern

Make a medieval shield¬--fess wise pattern



Per Fess


Fess wise


Authentic designs for medieval shields in pale pattern

Learn the rules of heraldry by making a medieval shield in the pall wise pattern



Per Pale


Pale wise


Authentic designs for medieval shields in pall pattern

Learn how blazonry works, by making your own medieval shield¬--per pall pattern-- heraldry



Per Pall


Per Pall Inverted


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